How to link iCal with Airbnb

2 min. readlast update: 05.21.2024

Using iCal to link your other calendars to your LekkeSlaap property calendar will automatically sync your property’s availability across these calendars and ensure they are all up to date. That way, you can easily avoid those double-booking headaches and get rid of manually tracking calendars across multiple platforms.

Linking iCal with Airbnb:

Step 1: Log in to your Airbnb and LekkeSlaap profiles using different browser tabs so that both profiles are open simultaneously.

Follow these steps on your LekkeSlaap profile:

Step 2: Click on ‘Calendar Tools’

Step 3: Select ‘iCal’ from the list of integrations under ‘Calendar Integration’

Step 4: Select ‘Enable iCal for this Property’ at the bottom of the page

Step 5: Select ‘Airbnb’ from the list of platforms and click on ‘Next’ 

Step 6: You should now see a LekkeSlaap calendar export link; click on ‘Copy link’ 

Step 7: Switch to the Airbnb tab where you logged in to your host profile earlier

Please note that your Airbnb calendar won’t be ready yet. We will get back to it shortly.

Now, follow these steps on your Airbnb profile:

Step 8: Click on ‘Calendar’ at the top of the page

Step 9: Select ‘Availability’ on the right-hand side, at the top of the options menu 

Step 10: Select ‘Connect to another website’ at the bottom of the page  

Step 11: Paste the LekkeSlaap export link you just copied from LekkeSlaap and give the calendar a name, e.g., LekkeSlaap.

Step 12: Copy the Airbnb calendar link and then click on ‘Add Calendar’

Step 13: Switch back to the LekkeSlaap tab

Step 14: Click on the Airbnb ‘Calendar integration’ drop-down menu

Step 15: Paste the link into the required field and click on ‘Import’

You have now successfully linked your Airbnb and LekkeSlaap calendars. All the blocked dates should already show. 


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