How to respond to a negative review

2 min. readlast update: 06.07.2024

Reviews from guests can have a significant impact on your future bookings. Therefore, acknowledging and effectively addressing any negative feedback is crucial for maintaining a positive reputation and ensuring future guests feel confident in your ability to provide good service and solve any problems they may experience during their stay.

How to respond to negative reviews

1. Acknowledge and apologise: Begin by acknowledging the guest's experience and apologising for any disappointment or inconvenience. Even if you disagree with the feedback, showing empathy is crucial.

Example: Thank you for sharing your experience. We’re genuinely sorry to hear that you were disappointed and apologise for any inconvenience you may have faced.

2. Be specific: Address the specific issues raised in the review. This shows that you are attentive and committed to making real improvements.

Example: We understand that the wait time you experienced was longer than expected, and we are looking into ways to ensure this does not happen again.

3. Offer a solution: Whenever possible, offer a solution or reach out to the guest privately to resolve the issue. This can prevent the situation from escalating and shows a willingness to make improvements to your service.

Example: We would love the chance to discuss this matter further with you. We will get in touch with you privately to discuss how we can rectify this negative experience.

4. Keep it professional: Always use a polite and professional tone, even when the guest is in the wrong. Avoid using defensive or confrontational language, which can further alienate the guest and others reading the review.

Example: We appreciate your feedback as it helps us improve our guests’ experience. We hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back and provide a better experience in the future.

5. Thank them: Conclude by thanking the guest for their feedback, reinforcing that you value their input and take it seriously.

Example: Thank you again for your feedback. We hope to resolve this issue and provide a better experience for you on your next visit.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively respond to negative reviews, demonstrate your commitment to good customer service, and potentially turn a negative situation into a positive outcome.


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