How to suggest an alternative option to a guest

2 min. readlast update: 07.05.2024

Being able to suggest alternative rooms or dates is a handy tool to ensure you don’t lose out on a potential booking unnecessarily. Follow the steps below to suggest alternative rooms or dates to guests before or after a quote is sent.

Suggesting alternative rooms or dates before a quote is sent

Step 1: Log in to your Host Profile.

Step 2: Click on 'Enquiries & Bookings' > 'Enquiries'.

Step 3: Click 'View' on the right side.

Step 4: Click on 'Change Rooms/Dates'.

Step 5: Select different dates if applicable.

Step 6: Select a different property if applicable. 

Step 7: Select different rooms or units and add the number of guests to each room or unit. 

Step 8: Write a friendly message to the guest explaining the changes or alternative options suggested. 

Step 9: Click on 'Proceed to Quotation'.

Step 10: View and edit your offer to the guest for the alternative options suggested. 

Step 11: Click on “Preview Alternative” to review your offer to the guest.

Suggesting alternative rooms or dates after a quote is sent

Note: The option to suggest an alternative will only become available after a guest sends a message requesting to change the original quote. 

Step 1: Log in to your Host Profile.

Step 2: Click on 'Enquiries & Bookings' > 'Quotations Sent'. 

Step 3: Click on 'View' on the right side.

Step 4: Click on 'Edit quote'.

Step 5: Select different stay dates if applicable.

Step 6: Select different rooms or units if applicable.

Step 7: View your offer.

Step 8: Preview the changes made.

Step 9: Send the updated quotation to the guest. 


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