How to view and respond to enquiries

3 min. readlast update: 06.07.2024

Responding to guest enquiries promptly and in a friendly manner is key in providing a seamless booking experience to guests to ensuring a high booking confirmation rate. To view and respond to your enquiries, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Log in to your Host Profile.

Step 2: Click on "Enquiries & Bookings" > "Enquiries". 

Step 3: Click “View” on the right side.

Step 4: Select a Quoting option at the bottom of the enquiry

Quoting options explained

Quick Quote

A quick quote will be generated based on the pre-set Quoting Options and Rates you have loaded. You will not be able to change any information on a Quick Quote. 

Step 1: Click on 'Quick Quote'

Step 2: Review the quote

Step 3: Type your name

Step 4: Click 'Send Quotation'

Custom Quote

A custom quote will be generated based on the pre-set Quoting Options and Rates you have loaded. You will be able to customize your quote. 

Step 1: Click on 'Custom Quote'

Step 2: Review your rates - Contact us if your rates are incorrect

Step 3: Give an optional discount 

Step 4: Add an admin or cleaning fee if applicable

Step 5: Make sure your Total Booking Value is correct

Step 6: Set a validity date for the offer you are sending to the guest

Step 7: Set a deposit required to secure the booking

Step 8: Set a date that you would like the balance of the booking paid by

Step 9: Type a friendly message to the guest

Step 10: Type your name

Step 11: Click 'Send Quotation'

Change Rooms/Dates

This option allows you to offer different dates or rooms/units than the guest enquired for. 

Step 1: Click on 'Change Rooms/Dates'.

Step 2: Select different stay dates if applicable.

Step 3: Select a different property if applicable. 

Step 4: Select different rooms or units and add the number of guests to each room or unit. 

Step 5: Write a friendly message to the guest explaining the changes or alternative options suggested. 

Step 6: Click on 'Proceed to Quotation'.

Step 7: View and edit your offer to the guest for the alternative options suggested.

Step 8: Click on 'Preview Alternative' to review your offer to the guest. 

Step 9: Complete your name

Step 10: Click on 'Send Alternative Quote'

Decline with Message

This option allows you to decline a guest’s enquiry with a message explaining why. 

Step 1: Click on 'Decline with Message'

Step 2: You can write a customized message, or keep your auto-filled message. 

Step 3: Click on 'Decline Enquiry' or 'Back' if you want to revert back to the original enquiry. 


How long do you have to respond to an enquiry? 

You have time to respond to enquiries until noon the day after the enquiry was received. We will auto-decline any enquiries you have not responded to in time with a no-availability response to the customer. 

Please note: Hosts with a high rate of ignored enquiries risk the chance of being demerited in their rankings or removed from our websites.

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