Keeping your email account secure

2 min. readlast update: 06.07.2024

In this digital age, securing your email account is crucial to protect your personal information and prevent unauthorised access to your host profile. Here are some tips to enhance the security of your email account.

1. Use strong, unique passwords

A strong password is your first line of defence against unauthorised access. Ensure your password is:

  • At least 12 characters long

  • Includes upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters

  • Unique to your email account (avoid using the same password across multiple sites)

2. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA)

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second verification form, such as a text message code or authentication app code along with your password. This makes it significantly harder for cybercriminals to gain access to your account.

Two-factor authentication should be mandatory, as this is your best defence against attacks.

3. Be aware of phishing scams

Phishing emails trick you into revealing personal information or clicking on malicious links. To avoid falling victim:

  • Verify the sender's email address before clicking on any links

  • Look out for spelling and grammar mistakes, which are common in phishing emails

  • Be cautious of urgent or threatening language urging you to act quickly

4. Regularly update your password

Changing your email password regularly reduces the risk of long-term exposure if your credentials are compromised. Aim to update your password every few months.

5. Monitor your account activity

Regularly check your email account's activity log for suspicious sign-ins or unusual behaviour. If you notice unauthorised access, change your password immediately and review your security settings.

6. Keep your devices secure

Ensure that the devices you use to access your email are secure by:

  • Installing reputable antivirus and anti-malware software

  • Keeping your operating system and applications up-to-date with the latest security software

  • Using a secure, encrypted internet connection, especially when accessing email on public WiFi

7. Back up important emails

Regularly back up important emails and contacts in a secure location. This ensures you have access to crucial information even if your account is compromised.


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