Our photo style guide

4 min. readlast update: 07.04.2024

High-quality and inspirational photos are pivotal in capturing potential guests’ attention. These images offer a visual narrative that can either attract or deter booking interest. Crisp, well-composed photos provide an accurate representation of a property's features, layout, and ambience, allowing guests to envision themselves within its spaces. With many options to choose from, striking photos not only attract more views but also increase the likelihood of enquiries and ultimately, successful bookings.

The Do’s

  • Choose a main photo that accurately represents your property.

  • Upload high-quality photos (Read more tips about photo quality in the next section).

  • Upload photos that showcase all of the facilities available to guests - including all bedrooms, bathrooms, living- and entertainment areas, the kitchen, outdoor areas and a front view of the property.

  • For hotels, B&Bs and guest houses the “General Establishment Photographs” will include communal facilities available to guests. Individual photos need to be supplied under each available room/unit. If a group of rooms have the same facilities, decorations and style, the rooms may be consolidated and only 1 set of photos loaded for that room type.

  • Both landscape and portrait images are allowed, and we encourage you to add a good mix of both.

Photo quality

  • If possible, arrange for professional photos to be taken of your property, or ensure that the photos taken are of high quality. 

  • If you are using/downloading photos from your website, be sure that the images are not too small to be resized for web use.

  • Our system recommends a resolution of 1200 x 800 px. 

  • The image file type must be either JPEG or PNG and the file size 20MB or smaller.

  • Avoid photos that are too light (overexposed) or too dark (underexposed). Allow natural light to flow in through windows and doors and also switch on lights.

Get the best angle

  • Stand in one corner of the room and aim your camera or device at the opposite side. This will give guests a panoramic view of what the room looks like and also what facilities are available. Here's an example of a good angle:

The Don’ts

  • Out-of-focus photos:

  • Text, logos, symbols, watermarks or date stamps:

  • Photos with arrows, circles and lines pointing out a certain apartment or building from far away are not allowed.

  • Photo collages: Our system uses a scoring system that rewards property owners for the number and quality of photos they load on their profile. When photos are grouped in collages, property owners lose out on these points which results in them being ranked lower on our search results pages.

  • Pets on furniture: While it is important to notify guests if there will be a residential pet on the premises, uploading photos of pets on furniture like beds, couches and tables can cause them to suspect that the unit is unhygienic.
  • Unfinished rooms
  • We don’t allow digitally rendered images, sample images or a room that is not currently available to be advertised on the website.
  • Exaggerated angles and viewpoints, including fisheye lens images, any distortion or turning the camera skew.

  • Reflections in mirrors and windows

Additional tips to consider before uploading your photos

  • No photos of attractions and activities may be uploaded unless the attraction or activity is present on the premises.

  • Plagiarism is a serious offence. Please make sure you have permission to use the photos if you sourced them from another website or a photographer.

  • When taking a photo of any view, albeit the ocean or other scenery, please ensure that the photo was taken from the property.

  • Make sure that the toilet seat and cover are down before taking a bathroom photo.

Our Terms and Conditions regarding your photos

  • You grant us the right to make adaptations of your content including, but not limited to, cropped photos, rewritten descriptions, and translations, and to display this adapted content on your listing. You do not have ownership of this adapted content, and cannot make use of this adapted content without written permission from us.

  • You warrant that your content (including, but not limited to, text and photos) is original and that we have the right to use it for marketing purposes.

  • We reserve the right to remove photos we feel do not have any connection to your property or that could cause offence to viewers.


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