Setting up seasons

2 min. readlast update: 06.07.2024

Seasons allow you to set prices for different times of the year, for example, low seasons, peak seasons or however many smaller seasons.

Why are seasons important?

Adding seasons to your property is essential, especially if you have varying rates at different times of the week or year. By adding seasons with a slightly higher or lower rate than your default rates, the quotes given to guests will be on par with what is advertised. This, in turn, will benefit your ranking on our websites.

How to create seasons

Step 1: Log in to your Host Profile

Step 2: Click on ‘Pricing’ > ‘Seasons’

Step 3: Click on ‘Add a Season’

Step 4: Give your season a name

Step 5: Select the dates that apply to your season

Step 6: Click on ‘Save season’. Your loaded season will now be displayed at the bottom of the page.

Things to remember

  • When a booking date does not fall in a particular season, the default rate you have added for each room/unit will apply.

  • You don’t have to create separate seasons for weekends and weekdays. When adding your rates, you can set different rates per night for weekdays and weekends within the same season.

  • You may create multiple overlapping seasons but the shortest season will apply for the guest's enquiry dates.


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